
Monday, June 30, 2008

Office: After

Move In: Office: Before


Home Office: After

Home Office: Before Photo

Lighter Hutch- AFTER

Office Hutch- Before

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Love the Tide Pen

After: Kitchen Cabinet

Family Center

Organized Play Room

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Things I'm Hip To This Week

Because I'm so passionate about things I learn about or things I love, I have to share with you. I hope these tips light you up or spark you in some way, like they did for me.

1. Organize Magazine's May / June edition is out! Barnes and Noble sells it. You can also sign up for your $20/yr subscription at Check out my fine article on the back page too.

2. Morgan Street Documents is the coolest thing! It's an online document storage & sharing program. What's remarkable about it? First off, you're completely paperless. You know how your dad is saving 10 filing cabinets in the basement of old bank records, his college thesis, and memorabilia to pass along to you...well, it can all be virtual thanks to MSD! Secondly, you can grant access to those who need certain docs. (i.e. your vitals- medical allergies, what to do if you're on life support, your will can all be seen by the right people.) Go to for more head-spinning information.

3. Product: Nilla Mint Bodywash from Perfect Organics. It makes you so clean you tingle. No joke. Very refreshing! Plus their staff is outstanding and really involved in greening our planet. Hurray!

Thanks for checking this post out!- Liz
