I just saw a book with nearly this title- followed by: ..."is the way to a greener life (or world)" and I thought about the idea of
living small.I'm all about living big - big dreams, lots of juicy
desires (what you want experience, who you want to be, even what you want to have)....and I'm also a huge fan of living small - I'm drawn to the idea of living in a very, very
small house (http://www.tumbleweedhouses.com/houses/) and obsessively try to live with L-E-S-S.
All this STUFF makes me feel confused and weighed down.How to keep
dreaming BIG while
living simply with less. What to do with all the abundance you create while dreaming BIG?... Plan well, save often, donate generously, then enjoy your expensive (or not) experiences- sailing across Sydney Harbor or going to The Ellen Show are recent additions to my list.
I just experienced the joy of talking with
Rebecca Mullen for the first time. Her site: http://altaredspaces.com/, is beautiful - in form an function. She's a life coach and writer and really understands the deeper significance of clearing clutter. She said that people need to hear this voice of mine sharing the richness of my own experience with stuff and so, after a long break- REBECCA got me back on the blog- THANK YOU!