Meet Gaby and Megan
Sometimes you could use a little help. A smart, tech-savvy woman to help you with life: program your ipod, pick up the dog at the groomer's, or research how to update your passport. These women handle it all from laundry to setting up your new fax/printer/scanner.
Gabrielle "Gaby" Gibbon
Home Town: Fairfax, Virginia
College: Front Range
Major: Business.
Mantra: "Changing the world one cookie at a time."
Megan Stein
Home Town: San Antonio,Texas
College: CU - Boulder
Major: History.
Commonly Found: On stage, around Denver
Song: "Don't Stop Believing" - by Journey.
Want some help? Call Liz 303-641-4760.
Labels: Boulder CO, Liz Canavan, Professional Organizer