Getting more creative time - Victory Circles Radio

Creativity is the mainstay of the entrepreneur. To keep our ideas and energy fresh, we need to be feeding our creativity daily. What does your creativity look like? For me, it could be dancing, listening to music (and not doing anything else), cooking a new meal, drawing or even organizing. For others, gardening, writing or "envisioning" exercises pique their creative interests.
To enhance your creative life, here are some easy steps:
1. Design a list of things that make you feel joy, juice, or pure pleasure! These will all enhance your "creativity" because you will be relaxed and happy.
2. Make the time for creativity in your day using a few tools - a planner of anykind (time management), managing your interruptions (focus managment), taming your inbox (reaction management) and having a fluid To Do List (proactive management).
I keep a master To Do list with only 3-5 MUST GET DONE TODAY items. (And about 20 "on my radar" items.) Included in my daily To Do list, I write out my rewards for my hard work and PLAN THEM INTO MY DAY.
For example, today I had to ....
1. Create an outline for the WW call
2. Repost my "for rent" apartment on
3. Re-write an eco-tip-sheet to be a press release for NAPO-CO
4. Reschedule my dentist appointment for a later time tomorrow
Once I finished these... I was "allowed" to do more from my master list until my 3pm Reward Hour (today: shopping for white jeans).
I like Cheri's idea of going for a walk during the day. It's great to get outside and not look at a computer screen. Plus, dogs are always grateful for a strut.
Thanks for reading!- Liz
Labels: entrepreneur, time management, women in business
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